About us

About us

What Cinduli means

Cinduli belongs to the Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, we are located between 500 and 700 m.a.s.l. in a virgin rain forest with an extensive biodiversity. Our name pays homage to the Hummingbird, with more than forty varieties registered, and translated from the Kogui language: Cinduli.

The water wealth bathes the soil though different creeks and waterfalls that end up at the Buritaca River, main water way covering this piece of Pachamama, ancient dwelling of our elder brothers the Tayrona people, founders of the tribes (Kogui, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankuamo) presently inhabiting this awesome Natural Reserve.

We are a working Organic Cacao Farm where you can walk through paths of Cacao Criollo Porcelana, variety most authentic and exclusive within the chocolate world.

An assortment of crops complement our landscape, providing our sustenance in this fertile valley, sustained using Permaculture principles and resulting in the best natural and auto sustainable produce.

Colibri Cola Canela (Amazilia Tzacatl)

Tangara Cabeza Gris (Eucometis Penicillata)

Javier Ivan Duran Leon

Cacao Grower / Founder of Cinduli

I am a Venezuelan/American/Colombian, born in the United States, raised in Venezuela and moved back to the USA at 20yrs old. With my now more than half a century of life experience as a musician, biker, server (to pay the bills), lover of nature, spiritual seeker, continual learner and celebrant of life, I have chosen to return to my South American roots.

Rare Criollo Porcelana Cacao

Our mission

  • To preserve 63 hectares (157 acres) which represent 90% of this breathtaking valley as a Natural Reserve.
  • To create an Organic, sustainable farm and  Ecotourism site so that others can experience the beauty of this world treasure.
  • To grow a rare kind of white cacao (Cacao Criollo Porcelana) and as soon as possible produce the highest quality of organic chocolate (from seed to bar!).

Arriving at Cinduli you will find sincere and amiable service, because we long to share with you this unforgettable paradise. A place you must visit…

We look forward to your arrival. Keep in touch with Pachamama!

Rare Criollo Porcelana Cacao